Cameroon, Africa

Mission work in Cameroon, Africa

Buckingham Road has been involved with the church in Cameroon for the past 28 years, helping evangelize and encourage spiritual growth. Cameroon is in Central Africa; the country is roughly the size of California with a population of about 28 million. Originally, Cameroon was colonized by both the French and the British; hence, both languages are spoken within the country. Approximately 75% of the populace is French-speaking, 25% are English speaking

Buckingham Road’s association with African churches began through Jim Corner. He began mission work under the oversight of the Buckingham Road eldership in 1991, working in Ghana. However, in 1996, Jim began focusing on Cameroon. Jim works with native churches to enhance their growth through mentoring and developing native leadership in congregations. The emphasis is on helping the Cameroonian churches mature.

Jim and Linda

Jim is the coordinator of the Cameroon work. He makes three trips annually to Cameroon.  In February he conducts a Leadership Training Seminar for both the French and English brethren.  These seminars began in 1999 and have had a great impact on both the leaders and members of the churches. Several hundred church leaders are trained each year. Jim is accompanied by one brother and one sister from the U.S. to assist in the seminars. Jim’s focus in each seminar is helping brethren see more clearly how Jesus lived and thus give encouragement in following Christ’s example. The second brother stresses an area of leadership to the men. The American sister teaches Cameroon women how they may better be of service in the church. The women’s focus in recent years has been to build up the Sunday School program for children. 5 sets of Bible curriculum have been written for children’s Bible classes. In addition, 10 Cameroonian sisters have been trained to go out and conduct seminars for village churches.

In June of each year, Jim leads a team of Americans on an evangelistic campaign that targets the French side of the country. In the middle of October, he travels to the North Province and conducts a leadership seminar and an evangelistic campaign.  These seminars are reaching hundreds of church leaders. Jim has made more than 50 trips. He and those traveling with him have taught more than 6,000 people, with over 2.400 of those surrendering their lives to the Lord.

In June of each year Jim leads a team of Americans on an evangelistic campaign that targets the English side of the country. In the middle of October he travels on another campaign that reaches out to the French side. Buckingham Road members generally accompany Jim on these two trips. Christians from other U.S. locations also often go on the June and October trips. Jim has made more than 30 trips. He and those traveling with him have taught more than 4,000 people, with about 1,500 of those surrendering their lives to the Lord.

Jim is always open to those who desire to work with him on a campaign or who can contribute to assist the work. For more information, Jim can be contacted at

  • Don and Jean Claude

  • Patience and Dennis

  • Jim and Elia

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